The UC Davis Department of Dermatology in Sacramento, CA is offering a 1-2 year clinical research fellowship under the mentorship of Dr. Emanual Maverakis.
Description: Fellows will participate in a variety of clinical and translational research projects. Dr. Maverakis's expertise is immune mediated skin diseases including scleroderma, autoimmune blistering diseases and psoriasis. Fellows will assist in managing the ongoing pharmaceutical-sponsored clinical trials in the Dermatology Clinical Trials Unit. Other responsibilities include participation in weekly dermatology clinics, Department of Dermatology Grand Rounds, writing manuscripts and presenting work at national conferences, submitting protocols to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for review and managing a number of investigator-initiated clinical/translational research projects in conjunction with Dr. Maverakis's basic science laboratory. The fellowship is designed for physicians who are planning to pursue dermatology residency training.
Eligibility: US Medical MD graduates who have completed at least 1 year of internship/residency training and have taken USMLE Step 3 in order to be eligible to apply for a California Medical License .
-PhD scientists (non-MD) and non-US medical graduates are not eligible to apply for this position.
Interested applicants should send their CV (including USMLE scores) to the email below. Please include in the subject line: "Dermatology Clinical Research Fellowship "
Emanual Maverakis, MD
Department of Dermatology
University of California, Davis
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