Prior to 2006, Dr. Martin Weinstock created an informal group of dermatoepidemiologists and advocated for the formalization of an official group. In 2006 American DermatoEpidemiology Network (ADEN) was founded as an outgrowth of a dermatoepidemiology group that started meeting at the SID in the early 1990's. ADEN began to have its own meeting at the SID. At this meeting 13 papers were presented to an overwhelming crowd of > 50 people. In 2010, through the efforts of Dr Robert Dellavalle, a dermatologic sub-meeting of the Cochrane Group met at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.
By 2011, ADEN had received over 50 submissions for presentations. Many of which were presented at the meeting. In addition, there was a dermatoepidemiology minisymposia at the SID coordinated by members of ADEN wherein an additional x papers were presented to nearly 100 individuals. 2011 also was the year that this website, the DECTRC effort and the pSOAR projects were launched . 2011 also was the year that this website, the DECTRC effort and the pSOAR projects were launched in 2012 became a keynote year for the group.
The AAD Meeting in San Diego CA include for the first time a Cochrane Evidenced Based Medicine Session. At the SID Meeting in Raleigh NC included a Dermatoepidemiology Minisymposia. Clearly dermatoepidemiology and its role in evidenced based medicine has gained recognitions. From a handful of individuals meeting in 2006 hundreds attended the sessions, symposia and the annual ADEN sub-group meeting. The pSOAR project gained international recognition and joined with IDEOM.
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