The aim of EDEN is to promote high quality research into epidemiology and to conduct clinical research, improve the role of epidemiology in dermatology, and share expertise, contact isolated groups and encouraging them to join. In addition, we strive to disseminate information by publishing events, collaborative studies, and workers interested in the field.
This is a link to Global Resource for Eczema Trials fantastic resource for eczema researchers and is a maintained and up to date database of RCTs and systematic reviews of eczema treatments
Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema aims to develop a consensus-based core outcome set for clinical trials and clinical practice.The core outcome set is the minimum that should be measured in all clinical trials.
The Group aims to accept for review any aspect of skin disease management which it feels will be of value to professionals or to lay people with an interest in skin disease. It will thus accept all randomized controlled trials of interventions relevant to the prevention of skin disease, the treatment and management of established skin disease, and the prevention of complications of skin diseases.
The centre has an international reputation for skin research and evidence based practice. We produce around 40-50 peer-reviewed publications per year and are one of the highest income generators for non-commercial dermatology research in the world.
The UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network (UK DCTN) helps to develop research ideas generated from our membership into fully funded studies. Suggestions can be put forward throughout the year to the UK DCTN co-ordinating centre and, if considered suitable, they will be progressed through our trial development system.
International Dermatology Outcome Measures is a non-profit organization seeking to develop and validate measures throughout dermatology with an initial focus on psoriatic disease. IDEOM strives for the establishment of patient-centric outcomes to enhance the research and treatment of dermatological conditions.
The objectives of the ACORN group are to provide tools and set standards to improve the reliability of acne lesion counting, to assess the impact of both facial and truncal acne on quality of life and to generate pilot data on novel photographic techniques to evaluate acne while working to achieve consensus on the content and desirable features of global severity scales used to evaluate acne on the face, chest and back.
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