This award is given periodically to a senior dermato-epidemiologist whose work has advanced the care of dermatological disease and has inspired and mentored the careers of junior dermatoepidemiologists. The award is to be given periodically at the annual meeting - and the winner will be invited to give a 20 minute talk about their career and advice for the future. The committee deciding this award is the Secretary Treasurer, Vice President, President, and the immediate Past President. Requests for nominations are to be sent to the ADEN membership listserv.
The previous recipients of the Founders Award (initiated in 2015) include:
2015 Martin Weinstock, MD, PhD (inaugural recipient)
2016 David Margolis, MD, PhD
2017 Mary Margaret Chren, MD
2018 Adele Green, MBBS, PhD (IDEA global leader award)
2019 Robert Stern, MD
Award given at the ADEN meeting and decided on by the Vice President and President. To be eligible - must be a student, resident, or fellow (post doc) and poster must be in dermatoepidemiology section. Mentors must submit nominations to the ADEN President and requests for nominations will be sent to the ADEN membership listserv.
The previous recipients of the Trainee Award (initiated 2019) include:
2019 Linda Oysesiku, MPH
2019 John Barbieri, MD, MBA
The previous recipients of the Derm Epi-ERG medical student award (initiated in 2019) include:
2019 Chandler Rundle (inaugural recipient)
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